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Irish PM lays green wreath to mark fallen British soldiers

In a historic moment, the Irish prime minister Enda Kenny, laid a wreath in honour of fallen British soldiers, during British Remembrance Sunday.

Taking part in a commemorative service in Enniskillen, Northern Ireland, marking the 25th anniversary of the IRA bombing of a Remembrance Sunday service, Kenny stood head bowed before laying a wreath at the spot of the explosion.

Laying a green wreath, the Irish prime minister's wreath stood out against the sea of red poppies, and his appearance too, by the notable absence of a red poppy.

The gesture comes after the British Queen laid a wreath in the Garden of Remembrance in Dublin earlier this year, to honour Irish men and women who died fighting for freedom against British rule, and shook hands with the former IRA commander, Martin McGuinness.

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