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Iran comes under new wave of cyber attacks

The Iranian government has stated that they have fended off a number of cyber attacks on a power plant and other industries located in the south of the country.

Speaking to the Iranian Isna news agency, head of the military unit responsible for defending against cyber attacks, the Passive Defense Organization, Ali Akbar Akhavan said,

"The Bandar Abbas electricity supply company has come under cyber attack… But we were able to prevent its expansion owing to our timely measures and the co-operation of skilled hackers."

The latest incident, labelled "enemy cyber attacks", comes in the wake of the Stuxnet attack on Iranian nuclear centrifuges more than 2 years ago.

Iran’s Fars news agency went on to say that the attack came through Malaysia and Vietnam, but originated in Dallas, USA. It noted that the attacks were “widely believed to be designed and staged by the U.S. and Israel.”

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