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Government should implement pledges without delay says Wigneswaran

The chief minister of the Northern province, C V Wigneswaran on Monday called on the government to implement pledges it had made to the Tamil people without delay. 

“The government should implement without delay the pledges made regarding the Tamil people while entering into pacts,” Mr Wigneswaran said at a press briefing held outside the Jaffna library. 

Highlighting former president Mahinda Rajapaksa's pledge to Ban Ki Moon that he would ensure the welfare of the Tamil people, Mr Wigneswaran said, "It is good to examine whether the present government has honoured these pledges."

"Another pact had been signed in Geneva and it is relevant to examine whether what was contained in that pact for the betterment of the Tamil people has been implemented. A third describes how our country should change by 2030 and what should be done for the people. It is prudent for the government to show what changes they would make and what they intend doing for the people."

"What has to be done in accordance with all these pacts has not been done, and that had led to various problems. If what needed to be done had been done, we could forge ahead in peace and harmony." 

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