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CID question 3 NPC Councillors in Jaffna

Three Northern Provincial Council members were questioned by the Sri Lankan Criminal Investigation Department in relation to a press conference on Mullivaikkaal remembrance.

M. K. Sivajilingam was last week summoned to Colombo by the CID for questioning although the councillor declined to travel, suggesting instead that questioning could take place in the Jaffna district.

CID personnel travelled to Jaffna on Monday and questioned the councillor about a press conference at Jaffna Press Club on May 8th.

At the press conference Mr Sivajilingam had expressed opposition to a presidential visit to Mullaitivu that was planned for May 18th, to clash with Mullivaikkaal commemorations.

The councillor stated that if the Sri Lankan president insisted on travelling to the district he would be met with black flags and protest.

The CID personnel also questioned two other councillors, S. Pasupathipillai and M. Thiyagarajah who had also participated in the press conference.

Previous to Mr Sivajilingam’s summons, a Tamil journalist was also interrogated in Jaffna with regards to the broadcast of the same press conference.

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