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Bahrain bomb blasts kill two

Two people, identified as foreign workers, have been killed in a series of bomb blasts in Bahrain’s capital city, Manama on Monday.

A string of five explosions in the city have been described by Bahraini officials as acts of terrorism, and come less than a week after Bahrain banned all protest gatherings.

The dead victims were workers from India and Bangladesh and another Indian man was also wounded.

Sameera Rajab, spokesperson for the Bahraini government placed the blame on statements by some Shiite "religious figures who haven't ceased inciting violence against civilians and police."

BBC’s correspondent Bill Law said:

“The opposition in Bahrain has been saying for several months that what it calls government inaction in dealing with legitimate demands is only stoking the potential for violence.”

“No-one I spoke with was surprised by the attacks.”

See full BBC report here.

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