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Assad meets UN envoy as violence continues

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has met with the UN and Arab League’s international peace envoy Lakhdar Brahimi, who was in Damascus hoping to secure a truce between the Syrian government and rebel fighters.

Meeting with the Syrian President in Damascus, Brahimi hoped that both sides would agree to a ceasefire during the Muslim festival of Eid al-Adha which begins on Friday. He stated,

"All the opposition members we met outside the country as well as the officials in the neighbouring countries said that it is a good idea,"

"If we achieve this ceasefire during the al-Adha holiday and maintain it, we can try and build on it. If it does not happen, then we will keep trying and we hope we can find another way to bring relief to the Syrian people.”

Brahimi also met with Syria’s Foreign Minister Walid Muallem as well as opposition leaders.

Whilst briefing journalists after his meeting with Assad, a car bomb exploded in the heavily government guarded Old City of Damascus. The target is thought to have been a police station in the Bab Touma district.

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