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Algeria and Benin pledge support for Sahrawi self determination

Algeria and Benin reaffirmed their support for the self determination of the Sahrawi people in a joint statement published as Beninese president Thomas Boni Yayi concludes his visit to Algeria this week.

Algeria's President Abdelaziz Bouteflika signed the statement which said both countries,

"reaffirmed their support to the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and his special envoy Christopher Ross, in finding a political and mutually acceptable solution, which provides for the self-determination of Western Sahara people, in line with the Resolutions of UN Security Council and General Assembly."

See more from All Africa here.

Also see our earlier posts:

Calls for Western Sahara self-determination at UN Fourth Committee (12 Oct 2014)

Speaker calls for Saharawi self-determination at Pan African parliament (17 May 2013)

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