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Abbas determined for UN upgrade

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas called Barack Obama on Sunday to congratulate him on the recent Presidential election and told him that he will press ahead with presenting a resolution to the United Nation’s General Assembly to become a non-member state. President Obama was quick to denounce the proposal as he, “reiterated the United States’ opposition to unilateral efforts at the United Nations.”

On other hand, US stressed its willingness to support direct dialogue between the two parties as Obama, “reaffirmed his commitment to Middle East peace and his strong support for direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians with the objective of two states living side by side in peace and security.”

Palestinian’s resolution has already received the support of 130 countries, but Palestinian diplomats face pressure to postpone the proposal till the outcome of Israel’s election in January is announced. Last year Palestinians submitted a proposal to the Security Council to become a fully-fledged member of the United Nations and the US made it clear that it will veto that proposition. For this particular resolution proposed by Palestinian President Abbas, there is no veto power in the General Assembly.

Yigal Palmor, the Israeli Ministry spokesperson said, “It is not a vote for Palestinian reconciliation with Israel but for a continuation of the confrontation with Israel by other means.” He added this resolution is a hindrance for future negotiations.

This resolution will likely be put to vote on November 29th and inevitability this would recognise Palestine as a statehood and give access to International Criminal Court.

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