TNPF leader threatened with arrest over Black Tigers Day commemoration

Sri Lankan police have threatened Tamil National People's Front (TNPF) leader, Gajen Ponnambalam, with arrest if Black Tigers Day is commemorated today. 

According to Gajen Ponnambalam's Twitter, the OIC of Jaffna Police reportedly told the TNPF leader that if Black Tigers Day is commemorated, he and all those present in the office would be arrested and all party offices would be closed. Black Tigers Day commemorates the men and women of the LTTE’s elite Black Tigers on the anniversary of the first ever Black Tiger offensive by Captain Miller in 1987.

Up to 50 Sri Lankan police and army personnel surrounded the TNPF's Kokkuvil's office this morning, the TNPF reported. This is the latest attempt at intimidating and harassing TNPF members for holding remembrance events across the North-East. 



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