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TNA MPs get Rs 300m each for backing Sajith - Sri Lankan minister

Sri Lanka’s health minister Rajitha Senaratne claimed that each Tamil National Alliance (TNA) parliamentarian would receive “Rs. 300 mn each to spend on their electorates”, according to a report in The Island on Wednesday.

Senaratne reportedly held a series of meetings in Jaffna, where he canvassed support for Sajith Premadasa in this month’s Sri Lankan presidential elections.

The Island quotes a health ministry statement with Senaratne reportedly telling a rally in Jaffna that no other government had allocated such a large amount to parliamentarians from the North-East. 

His reported statement comes as the TNA came out in support of Premadasa, despite his refusal to engage with demands put forward by Tamil parties.

See more from The Island here.

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