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Thousands affected by drought in Kinniya

Extreme heat in Trincomalee over the last two months has caused drought in the district, with thousands affected in the Kinniya division.

The hot weather has caused water shortages in 6 villages in the region, a divisional official for the National Disaster Relief Services Centre reported.

More than 2000 people were suffering as a result of the water shortage in the Kinniya area.

Farmers, freshwater fish farmers, and livestock farmers have been particularly affected by drought which is also reportedly impacting tens of thousands of people around the island.

The prolonged hot weather is likely to severely impact more parts of the Trincomalee district and beyond.

Climate change continues to affect the island, with Sri Lanka being ranked second among the countries most affected in a Global Climate Risk Index in 2019. The Tamil homeland has disproportionately faced extreme weather in recent years suffering alternately between droughts and severe floods.

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