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Tamil villagers protest as faltering housing scheme leaves them in debt


Mullaitivu locals protested in front of the National Housing Development Authority this week, after a much touted housing scheme has left residents mired in debt.

Local Tamils gathered outside the office and said that a special housing scheme has still not fully paid for the construction of new houses in the area as originally promised by the government.

Following floods in Mullaitivu in December last year, a government scheme for 5,000 residents was announced pledging to construct new houses at a cost of Rs. 750,000.

However after just one instalment, payments suddenly stopped, leaving many residents with only partially constructed houses. Locals were forced to pawn jewellery and take out loans in order to complete construction.

Several months have now passed and locals complain of having gone through considerable hardship due to the delay in releasing the next tranche of payments. Two further instalments were pledged, but to date they have received none.


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