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'Tamil nationhood continues to burn bright' – TNPF campaigns against 13th Amendment

TNPF campaign in Kokkuvil

Across the North-East the Tamil National People’s Front are continuing their campaign against the controversial 13th amendment and maintaining their stance for Tamil nationhood and self-determination.

TNPF campaign in Kilinochchi

The campaign follows a letter by a number of Tamil political parties to India’s Prime Minister urging India to uphold its commitment to Tamils and ensure the full implementation of the 13th amendment as a starting point “towards a federal structure”.

TNPF campaign in Jaffna

The 13th Amendment was established in 1987 as part of the Indo-Lanka accords and created the system of Provincial Council and promised greater devolution of land and police powers to a merged North-East. However, despite its passage, Sri Lanka has failed to implement its accord despite repeated calls and in 2007 a Supreme Court ruling demerged the North and East.

TNPF campaign in Kaaraingar

The TNPF has slammed the Tamil National Alliance for their call for the 13th amendment writing in a public statement that:

“The Provincial Councils were widely pilloried, rejected and boycotted by Tamil people, and considered not even a starting point to Tamil political aspirations of nationhood and self-determination”.

More recently they have stated:

“The hopeless desperation of so-called Tamil leaders to defeat sacred Tamil national ideals of nationhood and self-determination only proves that these attempts must be defeated thoroughly. We hasten to add that these attempts would be clownish if not for how dangerous they are”.

TNPF campaign in Gurunagar

These calls to reject the 13th amendment have been supported by the P2P movement which put these demands directly to Britain’s Minister for South Asia, Lord Ahmad. Opposition to the 13th amendment has also been shared by the Tamil diaspora who have protested against the measure.

TNPF campaign in Vavuniya

TNPF campaign in Mullaitivu

TNPF campaign in Paasaiyoor

TNPF campaign in Vadamaraadchi


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