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Tamil journalist summoned by TID

Sri Lanka’s Terrorism Investigation Division (TID) has summoned Tamil journalist and Tamil Guardian’s Mullaitivu correspondent Shanmugam Thavaseelan for questioning to Colombo.

The TID summons stated that Thavaseelan’s testimony was required for an ongoing investigation, ordering the journalist to appear in Colombo on September 25.

Thavaseelan is currently facing court proceedings in Mullaitivu after a Sri Lankan navy officer alleged he had been assaulted by the journalist, an accusation which the journalist firmly denies. Witnesses state that the navy officer had been threatening and photographing protesters at the disappearances rally that Thavaseelan had been covering at the time. The prominent Mullaitivu-based journalist was subsequently arrested and brought before the courts who postponed his trial.

As well as drawing international criticism, the arrest of Thavaseelan was also the subject of a Human Rights Commission (HRCSL) complaint and investigation.

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