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Sri Lanka stocks down as foreigners exit after UN resolution - Reuters

Reuters reported Friday foreign investors pulled out from the Sri Lankan bourse in heavy volume on Friday, a day after a UNHRC resolution approved an international probe into the island’s war crimes.

The bourse saw a net foreign outflow of 2.77 billion Rs ($21.19 million) worth of shares, the highest single-day outflow since Feb. 6, extending the net foreign outflow so far this year to 6.9 billion Rs ($52.79 million).

"Investors are a bit more worried about the economic impact and growth due to the resolution," a stockbroker told Reuters on condition of anonymity.

For some interesting dynamics related to Sri Lanka’s stock market, see see earlier posts:

Cash-strapped Sri Lanka’s new extraction scheme (June 2011)

Sri Lanka’s stocks: a closer look (Jan 2011)

See also:

The economy and the stock market performance (Sunday Times, Oct 2010)

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