A protests by fishermen in Mullaitivu against illegal fishing by Sinhala fishermen continued today into their 8th day.
The fishermen have been supported by the families as well as Karaithuraipattu local council members who attended the protest to express their solidarity.
Newly appointed officials at the Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, including one Tamil officer, met with the protesters and the NPC member T Ravikaran today and assured them that a 'good decision' would be made on the issue.
Officials were appointed to the Department after it was forced to cease operations when protesters surrounded it and attempted to enter the building on August 2.
The demonstrators say that their livelihoods are being destroyed by Sinhala fishermen, who they said were aided by the military and state bodies. They also accuse government officials in Mullaitivu of accepting bribes from Sinhala fishermen to allow them to fish in the region unlawfully.
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