Events were held in Thirunavakulam, Vavuniya and Karaithivu, Batticaloa, to mark the fourth day of Tamil Genocide Remembrance week as Tamils around the world commemorate 15 years since the Tamil genocide.
Across the North-East, kanji is being distributed in the lead up to May 18, also known as Tamil Genocide Remembrance Day. The sharing of kanji, is an attempt by Tamils in the homeland and abroad to chronicle their struggles, understand their plight, and honour them in their deaths. During the final phase of the conflict, kanji was the only source of sustenance for Tamils as they fled the firing by Sri Lankan security forces.
Humanitarian aid particularly food and medicines were severely curtailed, causing many deaths by starvation.
Tamils gathered in the main township of Karaithivu to commemorate Mullivaikkal by distributing the Mullivaikkal kanji. The event was organized under the leadership of the former Karaithivu divisional secretariat member and it was held in front of the main market building. Representatives from fisherfolk associations, civil society, and activists were present during the preparation and distribution.
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