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Case against 2 NPC members adjourned till Jan 2019

A case against two Northern Provincial Council members, T Ravikaran and M K Shivajilingam for allegedly interrupting the government officials from doing their work, is set to take place at Mullaitivu court on January 7, 2019. 

The case was adjourned after Mullaitivu police, who had filed the case against the two members, requesting an extension yesterday when it came before the judge. 

The police department filed cases against Mr Sivajilingam and others including the NPC member T. Ravikaran after a road-block protest earlier this year by Mullaitivu residents resulted in the surveyors having to turn back from the area, unable to survey the more than 600 acres of Tamil-owned land earmarked for land-grab by the Sri Lankan Navy.

After the protest on February 22nd, Mr Sivajilingam was charged with damage of state property, among other charges, and was summoned for questioning by Mullaitivu police.

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