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Australian soldier caught killing unarmed Afghan civilian

The Australian Broadcasting Corporation has released footage of an Australian soldier, from the Special Air Service (SAS), killing an unarmed Afghan civilian during a raid on a village.

The attack has been described as a “straight-up execution”.

The footage shows the soldier fire at an unarmed man at close range, three times, in the head and chest. The man died whilst holding on to red prayer beads.

Australian forces have been implicated in 55 separate incidents of unlawfully killing non-combatants which the Inspector-General of the Australian Defence Force is currently examining.

One of those accused in engaging in unlawful executions, Ben Roberts-Smith, was awarded the Victoria Cross despite being allegedly ordering the death of unarmed Afghan civilians.

Roberts-Smith denies the allegations and has responded by suing three media outlets which reported on this.

Read more from the Times and the Canberra Times.

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