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Another Tamil mother dies searching for her missing son

A Tamil mother, who spent 12 years searching for her missing son who was forcibly disappeared, passed away in Vavuniya.

Periyasamy Manonmani, aged 70 from Maharambaikulam, Vavuniya passed away earlier this week on Wednesday (October 7th). She actively participated in protests for 1328 consecutive days in Vavuniya, where she demanded justice for her missing son who was forcibly disappeared. 

Her son Periyasamy Selvakumar, aged 45, was forcibly disappeared in Vavuniya in 2008, towards the end of the armed conflict.

Over 72 mothers and fathers have passed away while searching for their loved ones over the last few years. Despite the continuous protests by the families of the disappeared, the Sri Lankan government is yet to provide answers or justice for the thousands of enforced disappearances.

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