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US, China welcome Japan's apology to South Korea

The United States and China welcomed the Japanese prime minister, Shinzo Abe's apology on Monday to South Korea for its rape and forced prostitution of South Korean women during World War 2.

“We believe this agreement will promote healing and help to improve relations between two of the United States’ most important allies,” the US Secretary of State, John Kerry was quoted by the WSJ as saying.

“We applaud the leaders of Japan and the Republic of Korea for having the courage and vision to reach this agreement, and we call on the international community to support it.”

The Chinese foreign ministry's military spokesperson also welcomed the apology.

“We hope that an improvement in relations between South Korea and Japan will be conducive to this region’s stability and development,” the spokesperson was quoted by the Japan Times as saying.

The apology is part of a wider accord between the two countries which includes a pledge by Japan to give ¥1 billion to the affected women. 

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