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UN aid chief seeks greater access to Syria, stresses need for political solution

The United Nations aid chief Stephen O’Brien stressed the importance of “carving out space” to meet the humanitarian needs of people in Syria in an address to the UN Security Council on Wednesday.

Expressing hope that an upcoming visit by his team would “provide an opportunity to constructively engage with the government to address some of the significant access challenges that seriously impeded humanitarian operations,” Mr O’Brien described the level of suffering as “gargantuan.”

“We must have rapid, sustainable access to deliver essential humanitarian items to all people in need, in all parts of the country, without delay or hindrance,” Mr O’Brien said.

Acknowledging that a purely humanitarian solution would not solve the crisis in Syria, Mr O’Brien added,

“A political solution is more urgent than ever to end this futile hopeless cycle of brutality and violence.”

The UN estimates that at least 220,000 people have been killed since the conflict commenced in March 2011.

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