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Colombians protest immunity deal with Farc

Thousands joined protests in Colombia against a government deal with the Farc militants that could see possible amnesty for the militants as part of a process to end the 5 decade long conflict.

The former president of Colombia, Alvro Uribe, who led the protests, called on the army to defeat the rebels, stating,

“We call on the army to support us by fighting and defeating the guerrillas, if the government wants it or not. It is better to protest than to let them deliver the country to terrorism.”

Protestors accused the current president, Juan Santos of overlooking atrocities in order to deliver a solution to the peace process, reports the BBC.

The Colombian government and the Farc militants have been in a 2 year long peace negotiation process facilitated in Havana. The process has seen the two sides come to agreement on 3 out of 5 key issues.

Peace talks in Colombia resume after released general resigns (03 Dec 2014)

Farc calls for reduced government military presence and international mediators for release of captives (23 Nov 2014)

Farc militants send in top commanders for Colombia talks (25 Oct 2014)

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