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Tamil journalist attacked in Jaffna


Photograph TamilWin

A Tamil journalist from the newspaper, Valampuri, was attacked in Jaffna on Friday, reports JDS and TamilWin.

The victim, twenty-two year old Stalin, was by Neeravi Street on his way to the Valampuri's office, when a gang of 6 men carrying 'mannvettis' (heavy metal hoes), surrounded him and attacked him.

Stalin, who was left by his attackers on the roadside, was found by passers-by and taken to Jaffna General Hospital, where he is currently admitted with internal injuries.

The attackers are believed to be Sri Lankan military intelligence operatives, reports TamilWin.

Stalin, who used to be a student union leader at Kokuvil Hindu College, has been arrested on previous occasions by Sri Lankan security forces. In 2007, he was arrested alongside other student union leaders from both Kokuvil Hindu College and Jaffna Hindu College. Recently, he has received anonymous threats and was reportedly attacked during protests in Jaffna.

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