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Willing to resolve nuclear issue with world powers - Iran

Iran is willing to resolve nuclear issues during the next round of talks with world powers if sanctions against it are lifted, said the country's foreign minister on Monday.

Iran held nuclear negotiations in Istanbul on Saturday with the USA, Britain, France, Russia, China and Germany.

Israel’s Prime Minister however felt the talks had gave Iran more time to mature its nuclear program.

"My initial impression is that Iran has been given a freebie. It's got five weeks to continue enrichment without any limitation, any inhibition," said Israel Prime Minister Benjamin  Netanyahu.

President Obama responded to Israel’s Prime Minister comments saying

“We're going to keep on seeing if we make progress. Now, the clocking is ticking and I've been very clear to Iran and to our negotiating partners that we're not going to have these talks just drag out in a stalling process.”

Israel and U.S continue to threat militarily, but it seems unlikely as President Obama is up for re-election. Obama administration is still hopeful that the issue can be resolved through diplomatic dialogues.

"We still have a window in which to resolve this conflict diplomatically. That window is closing and Iran needs to take advantage of it," said President Obama.

A senior official in the Obama administration added,

"Dialogue is not sufficient for any sanctions relief, one has to get to concrete actions that are significant,"

"One only begins to look at those issues when there are sufficient concrete steps taken that warrant any changes in our approach to sanctions."

Talks will resume on May 23 in Baghdad.

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