Wigneswaran warns of unrest due to current distortion of history

The Chief Minister of the Northern Province, CV Wigneswaran , today called for the practice of distorting the island's history to be stopped, warning that unrest would ensue if distorted history continued to be taught to children in schools.

Speaking at the inauguration of a children’s village in Jaffna, Wigneswaran stressed that ‘platform speakers from the majority Sinhala-Buddhist community were spreading the theory that Sri Lanka was a Sinhalese-Buddhist country’ where other communities lived as per dictates of the Sinhala-Buddhist majority.

He further added that these Sinhalese platform speakers were upholding the idea that Sri Lanka was “one nation with one people”, thereby denying the existence of other communities.

Reiterating the need for such speakers to be reminded that Tamils had always been the majority in the North-East, Wigneswaran outlined that the island’s history needed to be re-written by a committee of foreign and island based experts to establish an unbiased and truthful version of history, which traced back to the earliest recorded times.

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