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Wigneswaran warns that 10 years of military occupation is enough to make North into East

The chief minister of the Northern Province, C V Wigneswaran condemned the Sri Lankan military's ongoing occupation and civilian activites, warning that it would only take 10 years of occupation to make the Northern province into the East.

"Everyone needs to know about the military's activities which are taking place around us," Mr Wigneswaran wrote in article published on May 4. 

"As Buddhists seek to erect Budda statues everywhere, it is the military who is helping them. It is the military that is aiding Sinhala colonisation of the North-East, working with the Mahaweli project department. It is the military that is bringing Southerners to take part in illegal fishing activities," he wrote. 

"If the military is deployed in the Northern province in this way, you need to consider what will happen. 
It will only take 10 years to make the North into the East."

Mr Wigneswaran added that whilst the military claimed in was deployed in the North-East for security, its activities were in fact aimed at trade. 

"Not just the army, but the navy and the air force are all taking part in trade activities," he added. 

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