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We will abolish exec presidency only if all parties offer unconditional support - Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka will abolish the executive presidency only if unconditional support is extended by all parties, cabinet spokesperson and health minister, Rajitha Senaratne said.

Speaking to The Island, the minister said the government would submit its constitutional reform draft to parliament and intends to abolish the executive presidency by April.

Mr Senaratne said Sri Lanka was committed to the 100-day agenda but that it should not be forgotten that far-reaching constitutional changes cannot be made without the unconditional support of the opposition.

"A 100-day time frame was laid down because we wanted to apply pressure on ourselves.There could be some delays but the people would not complain if our main pledges were implemented", he noted.

The minister said the parliamentary elections, initially touted to be held in the summer, could be delayed.

When asked whether it would take place in two years, when it is due, Mr Senaratne said,

"No it won’t take so long, the maximum would be in an years time.The priority is to ensure that the required electoral changes are in place ,otherwise Elections held under the old system would result in the re-entry of narcotic dealers,rapists, and those who had swindled the country of billions of rupees to the legislature."

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