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'We urgently need an international investigation' - Bishop of Mannar

The Bishop of Mannar, Mgr. Rayappu Joseph, has reiterated the need for an international investigation into war crimes on the island, stating that the Tamil people have no faith in domestic commissions.

In a note written to Fides, the Bishop stated,

"We urgently need an international investigation to ascertain the truth about alleged war crimes, given that most of the Tamils in the north and east of the country no longer have confidence in an internal process. This will contribute to reconciliation"

"Thousands of cases of human rights violations, sexual abuse, murder, disappearances, extrajudicial killings remain unpunished."

Describing the current situation in the Tamil homeland, the Bishop went on to say that,

"The people of the North and East still live in fear. The women live in fear of being raped. Others live in fear that the military seize their lands. Many who are in prison live in fear of being tortured. The common people fear the high level of military presence. And all those who criticize the government, including representatives of many churches, live in fear and insecurity."

Denouncing the militarisation of the North-East, he added,

"What need is there to maintain such a high number of armed forces in the North and East of the island? Why can’t one completely restore the civil administration in those areas, such as in the rest of the country?". 

Also disparaged by the Bishop was "the colonization sponsored by the state in the Tamil areas", which had not only created electoral imbalances, but was destroying language, the culture and customs of a people, he said.

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