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Vavuniya families of disappeared slam TNA manifesto on Day 1250

On the 1250th day of continuous protests in Vavuniya, the families of the disappeared initiated a rotating hunger strike in protest at the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) failure to champion their issue.

 ‘‘We have been fighting for the last 1250 days. We have made a request to the International community to provide us with a solution. All the election parties are focussed on the elections, instead of working towards resolving our problem’’ said the protesters.

With the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) in full election campaign mode, the families said "they do not need to ask for our votes if they find a solution to our problem... If we vote for them again, we will be on the streets for another five years.’’

In response to the TNA’s recently released election manifesto, the families said "they refer to the sufferings of Tamils; however they do not mention the actions they will take to demand justice. Considering their statement, it is certain that the Tamils will be enslaved by the end of the next election’’.

The protesters have called for a boycott of the TNA for the upcoming elections after '11 years of deception'.

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