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USTPAC respond to Navi Pillay's leaked conclusions

The United States Political Action Council (USTPAC) welcomed conclusions from the UN Human Rights High Commissioner’s report that were leaked by Sri Lankan press on Sunday.

Speaking to Tamil Guardian the organisation urged the UNHRC to adopt a resolution that called for an international investigation into war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide,  stating,

" We are happy to see news reports indicating that the High Commissioner is recommending an International Investigation. It is also noteworthy that her office recognizes that the domestic "mechanisms have consistently failed to establish the truth and achieve justice in Sri Lanka". USTPAC has been campaigning for an International Independent Investigation in the form of a Commission of Inquiry that looks into War crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide. And joined more than 55 other global Tamil entities in a new year message reiterating the same points. We sincerely hope the UNHRC heeds to the Commissioner's recommendations and the resolution in March session reflects this in spirit and in words, with follow up mechanisms."

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