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US warns Sri Lanka over intimidation

The United States has warned Sri Lanka over its attempts to silence those who cooperate with the UN on the OHCHR Investigation in Sri Lanka (OISL).

The US Ambassador to the UN Human Rights Council Keith Harper said in a tweet that attempts at intimidation to those individuals were an attack on the UN.

Sri Lanka has warned against submitting evidence to the OISL and has arrested one individual who was collecting information for submission to the inquiry.

Impeding justice - Editorial (27 October 2014)

OISL ‘flawed procedure’ unacceptable – GL Peiris (05 November 2014)

Governor launches investigation into Ananthy Sasitharan over UN inquiry (02 November 2014)

Govt to investigate TNA 'plot' to collect evidence for UN inquiry (01 November 2014)

Travel restriction to North designed to prevent Tamils giving evidence to UN inquiry says TNPF (20 October 2014)

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