US criticises “rushed resettlement” of IDPs

The US Embassy in Colombo has expressed concern over Sri Lanka’s Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) resettlement programme.

A press release by the embassy welcomed the government’s speedy resettlement of a large number of IDPs, but noted concern about resettlement on land “without adequate shelter, water and sanitation”.

“The United States welcomes the work by the Government of Sri Lanka to quickly resettle the large number of internally displaced persons (IDPs) following the 26-year conflict." said the press release.

"However, we remain concerned about the rushed resettlement of the final IDPs to close the Menik Farm camp. Many of the most vulnerable families of the war-affected population in the North have been placed on land hastily cleared without adequate shelter, water and sanitation, or provisions to continue their livelihoods.

"Meanwhile, many long term IDPs remain unable to return home or access basic services from the Government of Sri Lanka.”

See full press release here.

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