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US court finds former Chilean army officer liable for murder of activist

A former Chilean army officer who now resides in the United States has been found liable for the murder of a folk singer and political activist in 1973, by a Florida jury.

Pedro Pablo Barrientos Nuñez, who now lives in Deltona, Florida, is alleged to have shot dead political activist Victor Jara, in September 1973 during a coup by Augusto Pinochet.

The jury awarded Mr Jara's family, who brought the civil action forward, $28m (£21m) in damages.

“It’s a step on the path towards justice for our clients and for Victor but also for the many other families who lost someone at Chile Stadium so many years ago,” said Kathy Roberts, legal director of the Center for Justice and Accountability.

Mr Jara’s wife told reporters outside the courthouse,

“It’s the beginning of justice for all those people, those relatives in Chile who are waiting to learn the fate of their loved ones, who have been for years and years, just like us, seeking justice [and] knowledge”.

See more from the Guardian here.

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