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US Congressional Caucus on Ethnic and Religious Freedom in Sri Lanka to be launched today

A US Congressional Caucus on Ethnic and Religious Freedom in Sri Lanka is to be launched later today, at 2pm local time in Washington DC.

Inviting fellow Congresspersons to attend the launch event - a panel discussion: "What's next for Sri Lanka - progress or backpedaling - and the US-Sri Lanka relationship?" - the co-chairs of the Caucus, Democrat Rep. Danny Davis and Republican Rep. Bill Johnson, outlined their reasons for launching it:

"A strong US relationship with Sri Lanka remains an important objective - including reaffirming the value of democratic principles, strengthening our trade ties, and recognizing common regional security interests. But, continued concerns about treatment of ethnic and religious minorities in the broader context of worrisome political trends in Sri Lanka threaten to undermine stability in Sri Lanka and the region, as well as prospects for a comprehensive, forward looking US-Sri Lanka partnership."

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