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UNP finds its voice over killing of Sinhalese

The UNP has accused the government of human rights abuses, citing the Weliweriya incident, which left 3 Sinhalese dead, and the Welikade prison massacre, which left 26 Sinhalese and one Tamil dead.

UNP MP Lakshman Kiriella said that both incidents are good examples of human rights being violated, according to Colombo Gazette.

“The law and order situation has completely broken down in the country,” he said.

Kiriella further said that the UNP is willing to help the government on the human rights issue but the government must first do its part.

The opposition MP demanded the launch of a domestic human rights inquiry, which meets international standards, as the government pledged to the international community.

He added that by launching a domestic inquiry, Sri Lanka will be able to avoid an international war crimes investigation.

Unequal in death - Editorial (05 August 2013)


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