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UK should call for an independent international investigation - Amnesty

The Head of Policy and Government Affairs at Amnesty International UK, Allan Hogarth, has expressed disappointment at the UK government for supporting Sri Lanka's hosting of CHOGM and urged for an independent international investigation.

See the Huffington Post for full blog post.

Extracts reproduced below:

"We were disappointed that the UK Government was so quick to support CHOGM being held in Sri Lanka."

"They must put pressure on Sri Lanka to end impunity for past abuses, use the September Session of the UN Human Rights Council to ensure human rights in Sri Lanka are scrutinized and they should support calls for an independent international investigation to be established into all allegations of war crimes."

"Finally the UK Government must unequivocally condemn the escalating attacks on Sri Lankan human rights defenders and broader civil society, including the judiciary. Given the Sri Lankan Government's reputation for intimidation and harassment of civil society we are deeply concerned that this may escalate in the run up to, and during CHOGM."

"The Sri Lankan Government will no doubt ensure that the advertising and public relations battle begins in earnest as they seek to portray the Island as an idyllic and tranquil paradise. They have a history here and have in the past employed public relations companies in an attempt to polish their tarnished image. We mustn't let CHOGM be used as a platform for the Government of Sri Lanka, there has to be progress on human rights."

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