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TYO UK - Cameron should boycott CHOGM immediately

In a statement released on Monday, the Tamil Youth Organisation UK called on the British Prime Minister to boycott the CHOGM this week.

See here. Extract published below:

"Four years on and still the Sri Lankan state has not been held accountable for these war crimes, crimes against humanity and most importantly crimes of genocide. Instead, they are being given time and space to commit more atrocities in the name of ‘reconciliation’, through which the Tamil nation is continuing to face structural genocide."

"It is extremely saddening to know that time and time again the Sri Lankan state is looked upon as the ‘masters of reconciliation’. Britain as well as the rest of the International Community still seems to wish to engage with the state, as if four years has not shown enough of why this is a failure. Time and time again the International Community wishes to see investigation done through the hands of the perpetrators of genocide, and we, the Tamil youth of the UK are strongly against this form of action."

"We are once again crying out and pushing for the Prime Minister to boycott this Commonwealth Summit in Sri Lanka, and believe that the Sri Lankan state should be removed from the list of Commonwealth nations. It has proven itself as a state which is incapable of upholding commonwealth values for over sixty years now through its on-going acts of genocide enacted on the Tamil nation. We therefore as well as calling for a boycott, call for an independent, international investigation into all crimes, including crimes of genocide committed by the Sri Lankan state. We hope that the British Prime Minister and other Commonwealth nations take our calls into consideration and push for a boycott of the CHOGM immediately."

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