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TNA Eastern election candidates threatened and vehicle attacked

The vehicle of the TNA's candidate for the upcoming Eastern Provincial council election, Markandu Nadarasa, came under attack on Friday. See here for report on Uthayan and Tamilwin.

The incident occurred by Batticoloa temple way on Friday afternoon, when after conducting a campaign event, masked men on motorcycles drove past Nadarasa's vehicle and attacked it with stones, smashing the windows of the car.

Meanwhile, another TNA candidate, Somasundaram Yoganantharasa, who had been at a campaign event by Kalladi, was threatened by men who arrived from a white-van. In a statement Yoganantharasa said that several TNA supporters had also been harrassed and events had been cancelled as a result.

See also: TNA members attacked by Pillayan's paramilitaries (09 Aug 2012)

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