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TNA calls on India to help release seized land North-East

The Tamil National Alliance (TNA) called on the Indian government to help secure the release of land seized by the Sri Lankan Army, in an effort to resettle the thousands of refugees in Tamil Nadu, reports The Hindu.

Senior TNA MP Mavai Senathirajah, who recently travelled with a delegation to meet Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi this month, said,

“There are over one lakh (100,000) refugees in Tamil Nadu living in 115 camps. We have requested the Indian government to pressure the Sri Lankan government to release their [refugees’] land in the north which has been taken over by the Army.”

Talks with the Indian Prime Minister included the topic of resettlement, with Senathirajah adding, “They [the refugees] have to come back and be resettled in their own lands with secure livelihoods.”

Also discussed during the meeting, which was originally scheduled to last 30 minutes but went on for over an hour, included the Sri Lankan Army's land grabs in the North-East, militarisation and the safety of women said Senathirajah.

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