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TID questions BBC Tamil reporter

BBC Tamil’s Vavuniya-based reporter Ponniah Manikavasagam was summoned for interrogation by the Terrorism Investigation Department (TID) on Monday regarding telephone calls he had with Tamil prisoners.

Manikavasagam was allegedly kept in the dark about the reasons behind his summoning until his arrival and was also not permitted to have a lawyer present during his interview.

The TID questioned Manikavasagam about phone calls between the reporter and two detainees at the Magazine prison in Colombo.

Manikavasagam told the investigators that as a journalist it is not unusual for him to receive calls from prisoners, or the families of prisoners detained for several years without trial. He said that as well as discussing their grievances they would enquire about the existence of any possibilities to secure their release.

Since Manikavasagam has been reporting for the BBC in the Northeast for almost 15 years, he said that it was likely that his telephone number was widely known and easily obtained.

No information was given to Manikavasagam on any future interrogations or whether any charges are to be brought against him.

See the BBC’s report in Tamil or English.

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