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Thousands of Tibetan protestors mourn self immolator

The death of a farmer, who self immolated in protest against Chinese rule, sparked a protest with thousands of Tibetans gathering for his funeral, with tensions in Tibetan areas continuing to grow.

43-year old Sonam Dargye died on Saturday after setting himself alight in the province of Qinghai, becoming the third Tibetan to immolate in the past three days, and almost the 30th in the past year. Radio Free Asia commented that as many as 7,000 people gathered at his funeral.

The London-based Free Tibet organisation quoted an eyewitness as saying,

"[Sunday's protest] is the biggest gathering of people I have ever seen in this place. People are pouring in from the villages."

18-year-old Tibetan monk dies after self immolation (20 Feb 2012)

Twentieth Tibetan self-immolation reported (09 Feb 2012)

Clashes in Tibet after self-immolation (14 Jan 2012)

2 more Tibetans self immolate in China (09 Jan 2012)

Cultural genocide fans self-immolations – Dalai Lama (07 Nov 2011)

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