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'There is no point of dealing with the government without international involvement' - TNA MP Charles Nirmalanthan


Speaking at a media conference in Mannar, Tamil National Alliance MP, Charles Nirmalanathan, maintained "there is no point in negotiating with the Sri Lankan government without the mediation of a country like India, America, or Britain".

Commenting on the rhetoric of Sri Lankan President Ranil Wickremesinghe, Nirmalanthan notes that he has gestured towards finding a solution for Tamil people but that this may be the result of international pressure as Sri Lanka is reliant upon the international community amidst its ongoing economic crisis.

He notes however that before these discussions can be held there must be a uniform agreement across Tamil parties and religious leaders in the North-East.

"We must come to a plan that Tamils can live with sovereignty if any changes are brought in the constitution" he noted.

He further notes that;

"We have been talking to Sri Lanka's rulers since 1948. Agreements were made. They were torn. Even the Indo-Sri Lanka agreements are not fully implemented".

He maintains that given this history, Tamils cannot expect to achieve a suitable solution by simply speaking with the Government.


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