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Tamils continue to demand justice for murdered youth

Relatives of a Tamil youth, who was reportedly tortured to death under Sri Lankan police custody, staged a protest in Jaffna this week, demanding justice for his killing

25-year-old Nagarasa Alex died after being arrested and tortured by Sri Lankan police last month. A post-mortem examination revealed “multiple injuries” that led to his death.

Though a court in Jaffna ordered the arrest of Sri Lankan police officers over their involvement in the killing, Tamils remain sceptical that those responsible will be held to account.

As locals gathered outside the police station where Alex was reportedly killed, uniformed Sri Lankan officers watched on from a roadblock they had set up.

There has been widespread outrage over his death, particularly after a video emerged of Alex describing the horrific torture he was subject to being shared widely on social media.

In the video, Alex describes being waterboarded, having ropes tied to his elbows and hung, having his head covered with a bag filled with petrol, and forced to drink alcohol.


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