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Tamil youth in hospital after politically motivated attack

A 21 year old Tamil man has been admitted to Valaichchenai hospital after being abducted and attacked in Pesalai last week.

Jeyakanthan Jeyaratnam from Maruthanagar, Kalkuda was at Pesalai fish market when a group of 7 people abducted him. He was later admitted to hospital due to his injuries. According to Eastern province based website Battinews.com the attack was believed to be a revenge attack that was politically motivated.

News of the attack comes as the Tamil Makkal Viduthalai Pullikal (TMVP), a paramilitary group aligned to the previous government, claimed that several of its members had been attacked and threatened. TMVP spokesman Azad Maulana claimed that the attacks were being committed by former LTTE cadres.

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