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Tamil schoolchildren admitted to Jaffna hospital after water poisoning

Schoolchildren from the Erlalai Sri Murugan Vidyalayam in Jaffna were rushed to hospital after consuming water from their school tank that was reportedly contaminated. 

A total of 27 students were hospitalised at the Thellipalai Base Hospital in Jaffna, before 26 of them were transferred to the Jaffna Teaching Hospital for further treatment. "The school well has been kept closed due to suspicion of oil contamination,” said a teacher from the school. “Therefore, the students consumed water from the water tank kept there by the Pradesha Sabha.”
“This morning after the morning athletic exercises and prayers, the students have as usual drunk the water,” continued the teacher. “It was only at about 9am that we realized the water had been poisoned.”

The Deputy Director of the Jaffna Teaching Hospital Dr Bavaanantharajah, said the students had survived the most critical stage of the poisoning and continued to be kept under observation at the hospital. 

The Chief Minister of the Northern Province C V Wigneswaram called for the Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIG) to begin an immediate investigation into the poisoning. Meanwhile, Northern Provincial Minister for Agriculture P Ainkaranesan and Provincial Minister for Education, T Kurukularaja visited the children at the hospital.

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