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Tamil MPs 'need to know their place, if not they will be locked up' - Sarath Weerasekara

Following the threatening of TNPF leader Gajendrakumar Ponnnambalam and his subsequent arrest and release on bail, Chairman of the Oversight Committee on National Security, former Rear Admiral, Sarath Weerasekara MP warned that Tamil MPs must know their place or face arrest.

“Tamil MPs should not get emotional and jump up and down at the drop of the hat. They need to know their place, if not they will be locked up in prison,” Weerasekara stated.

He added:

“Tamil MPs including Gajendrakumar and Shanakiyan seem to think that they can use their Parliamentary privilege to achieve whatever they want. This must be their naivety. The Tamil people that voted them into Parliament for this purpose should hang their heads in shame.”

Weerasekara lashed out at Tamil MPs for their willingness to challenge Sri Lanka's rights-abusing police force.

“Tamil MPs now even have the confidence to challenge the Police. People like this need to be placed under arrest and locked in prison with no ability to get bail. They should know that their rhetoric is not something that will fly not only in Parliament but outside it as well. They need to learn the law and learn how to behave.”

Read more here.


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