With thousands of deaths from coronavirus across Germany so far, we look at some of the Tamils healthcare workers the frontlines of the battle to save lives.
From nurses and doctors to our paramedics and porters, every single contribution is invaluable. And alongside thousands of other workers, the Tamil community has been actively involved in efforts to fight the pandemic.
Throughout this month we will update the page to bring you testimonies from those on the frontline.
Kugarajah Arulrajah, Surgeon, Hamburg
In Germany the current situation is stable. There are many COVID-19 patients on the ward or ICU, but still we can manage it. In my opinion, the actions taken by the German government is working. That doesn't mean that the actions are unnecessary. We still have to obey the rules, so we can keep the current situation as it is. We look at Italy and we see what could happen. So we will keep a close eye on what Chancellor Merkel will say in the coming weeks.
The medical staff can still get infected by their patients. A few friends of mine have been infected that way, but thankfully they are fine. Because of that, even surgeons have to work on a “corona-ward". Everyone had quick training how to work on a normal ward and in an ICU. Also, we shouldn't forget that there are other severe emergencies beside COVID-19, whom we have to take care of either.
Tamils like to get together, visit each other and we love the big family life. Normally that’s a very good matter. But at this time, it is important to keep social distancing. It is very important to obey government advice. My dear big Tamil community, please stay at home! Others are working on the front line and pay with their lives to save us, like Dr Anton Sebastianpillai!
நோயற்ற வாழ்வே குறையற்ற செல்வம்! Don't forget the meaning of Health!
Tamilselvan J, GKP, M ülhein an der Ruhr
There is another message I’d like to put forward: The young Tamil community is obligated to spread news of verified government institutions. We must fight against the spreading of fake news coming from unofficial sources. In most cases they convey false information and spread fear instead of knowledge, which might help to prevent oneself from infections. Furthermore it should be underlined that herbal medicine, for example with cumin and ginger, might strengthen the immune system but will not cure people who are suffering from Covid-19.
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