Tamil Civil Society Forum formally launched

TCSF convenor -
Bishop of Mannar, Dr. Rayappu Joseph

A network of Tamil civil society activists based in the North-East, have formally launched a collective organisation - the Tamil Civil Society Forum (TCSF).

The TCSF, which includes over sixty activists at present, held its first Annual General Meeting on November 15.

"The primary objective of the forum is to create, provide space and act as a medium for articulation and expression of the views of its membership on contemporary issues of social, political, economic and cultural interests to the Tamil people living in the island of Sri Lanka," the TCSF said.

TCSF spokesperson - Elil Rajan

The Bishop of Mannar, Dr. Rayappu Joseph, was elected as the organisation's convenor; P. N. Singham and Thiyagarajan Rajan as secretaries; Kumaravadivel Guruparan and Elil Rajan as spokespersons; and Professor V. P. Sivanathan was elected as treasurer. See more here.

TCSF spokesperson - Kumaravadivel Guruparan

See here for full policy document, including aim, objectives and core beliefs, in English and in Tamil.

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