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Tamil asylum-seeker self immolates in fear of deportation

Another Tamil asylum-seeker in Australia was rushed to hospital after, amidst increasing fears of deportation, attempting to self-immolate in Melbourne, reports The Guardian.

The asylum-seeker, a 40 year old man, came by boat to Australia in 2012, after being beaten and breaking his leg at the hands of Sri Lankan security forces, said the Tamil Refugee Council.

A spokesperson for the Tamil Refugee Council, told the Guardian that many asylum seekers were fearful of being deported back to Sir Lanka.

“They are dreadful of being sent back to Sri Lanka and say they would prefer to die here than be sent back to torture, which is what the Australian government is doing to many Tamil asylum-seekers,” said Sri Samy.

The recent case of self-immolation follows 2 previous cases which resulted in the death of Lee Seemanpillai who succumbed to injuries in hospital.

Tamil asylum seeker dies in Australia after self-immolation fearing deportation (01 June 2014)

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